Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Clomid and Doctors

A doctor visit happened this week. It wasn’t what I completely expected. It was a positive environment and with the new doctor I am seeing, there is hope again. Before, my previous doctor tried four cycles of clomid. At the time, I was not well informed on what the procedure was. Then we moved on to some testing.  Robert is fine on his end. As for me, I did the fallopian tube testing which is called a hysterosalpingogram. Let me tell you what, that was the worst pain of my life. They actually attach to your fallopian tubes and force dye through them to make sure there are no blockages. Thankfully, I do not have blockages.

As for the doctor appointment yesterday, we did find out some news that I wasn’t aware of. They had drawn blood only twice when it came to four clomid cycles. I showed ovulation in one but not the other. Granted, the blood could’ve been drawn too late. This was not the best news because ovulation has to occur to get pregnant.  Dr. Kimberly wants to go backwards and try another round of Clomid. For those of you that do not know what clomid is, this is a medication taken to support the growth and release of a mature egg in the female. It also increases your chances of twins!

Dr. Kimberly also gave us an infertility packet that explained all of the types of options we have in the future if we are not pregnant after this round of clomid. She made me feel calm and not anxious about the next three months. What is another three months of clomid when we have been waiting for over two years? I mean, it already feels like we are moving back to the beginning with the clomid. Second times a charm right?

After the doctor’s appointment, robert and I discussed what we believe we should be doing. That came down to paying close attention to my cycle as well as our diets and vitamins. We had been religious to this idea in the beginning but in the last few months, we were so discouraged that we stopped tracking so much. Now, with this new and refreshed hope, we want to do everything we can to keep on track as well as keep a positive mindset. We say this now, but we could always fall back into the bad habit of feeling sad and hopeless. We are hoping that this option does not come back!

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