Saturday, January 21, 2017

Holy Shit Batman!

So, I know my last blog stated that I got a negative pregnancy test. Well, I can tell you that was not a lie. But I did leave out a tiny little detail. January 2nd  four days after the negative – I took another test because it was two weeks following the IUI. As I was brushing my teeth waiting for the results, all that I thought was there would be another negative and thinking about what my day was going to consist of. I looked down and BAM! It said Yes!! I about screamed. I rinsed my mouth and ran to Robert. He was doing his leg massager and I kept saying babe, look. He turns and looks at the test. His exact response was “You’re Fucking Kidding Me.” LOL No, Babe I am not kidding you.
At this point my head was spinning with disbelief. And I was in shock. Honestly, that shock held on to me for days!! We let our immediate family know the news and they were all so happy for us. 
Well, we were going to wait longer to let the cat out of the bag, but hiding this is harder than I ever imagined. Especially waiting three years for a positive pregnancy test and wanting to shout to the world “I am pregnant!!” I had to do some blood draws because of spotting which did turn out with the results they wanted. We also have had some issues arise that had me asking for prayers. We had a really big scare and was seen at the U right away. I had a significant amount of bleeding and I was terrified. It was the longest drive to the U of my life. But, as I lay there doing the ultrasound, the heartbeat is pointed out. Tears slid down my cheeks with relief. And it was like, yup this is real. I know it is early and anything can happen but here we are, Pregnant. 

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