Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Child Free Life Option

This is a controversial subject for sure. I’ll start with that my anxiety and insomnia has worsened in the past weeks. I am not sure if it is part of the clomid or just the stress of trying to make choices regarding our infertility options. Then add on daily life in general and boom, the brain won’t stop. Well, what I am about to bring up is not something that has really been discusses but when you think of options, this is one of them. A child free life.

I have been reading about infertility for a while now and I have seen this option pointed out but never really thought about it. Because, as usual, I have the no way am I not going to have a child mindset. So, lets list out some benefits of the child free life.

  • Traveling and seeing the world
  • Spending is less restrictive
  • Career Changes
  • Back to school
  • Spontaneous activities
  • Moving to a new location
  • None of the stresses that parenting can cause
  • And more

I will say that I do want to travel, take classes, maybe a career change, and even just the fact I am so in love with my husband that having him to myself is always awesome. This decision would be a huge one and there are quite the negatives as well. Which we all know what they would be because they are pretty straight forward. Carrying a child, giving birth, watching them grow, and so forth. I know we both have to keep in mind all the options available and the ones that aren’t possible as well. Currently, a child free life is not something that we want. But, we also are still at the beginning of the options of actually having a child. There is still hope. Am I saying this is not something we will discuss if it comes down to it? No. Open-mindedness is something to consider always.

1 comment:

  1. I was actually just talking to someone yesterday about this. If we never have kids, it's the not the worst thing that can happen to us. We still have each other and life can be wonderful without children for all the reasons you stated. We stopped treatment because we are preparing for IVF and it's the been the best few months I've had in awhile. Life is good as long as you are alive!
