Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Anxiety and Pregnancy

So, I have not written in a while partially because I have now been working full time along with evening activities, and we haven’t made it to the specialist yet. I was talking with a friend recently about pregnancy and child birth which brought up the subject of fears. Anyone who knows me knows I have some moderate and at times extreme anxiety. I have always had it but it heightened when my father passed away. Now, anyone who has it as well knows what we feel we know deep down is irrational but we can’t control it. I am realizing not even being pregnant, thinking about the fact I can’t have my meds for it my anxiety rises!

What if I have panic attacks the whole pregnancy? What if I can’t control any of it and it affects the baby and myself? How will I get through it without any sort of medication to calm me? I know many will say that I will be fine because I know I will be carrying a baby and have no choice but to control it. But, I have no idea! My anxiety is not social anxiety, group anxiety, but death anxiety. I know since it started I have it under way better control and have my techniques to deal with it when it is out of hand, but I also know I have my medication if I can’t control it. I am hoping meditation, yoga, and other natural remedies would get me through the long months. Or maybe I will be lucky and be someone that it levels out my anxiety! Imagine someone who worries their first pregnancy about every little thing and times it by 10. Oh Boy! Any mom's out there that know what I am talking about, would love some advice for when/if the day comes I get a positive pregnancy test:):)

I am going to go off subject here and bring up a natural way to help with infertility. I have been doing a lot of reading and found that some have went to the chiro for infertility. Something as simple as their pelvic area is tilted and the adjustments helped correct it. Or better yet helps with the blood flow of the reproductive system. Even the nervous system and automatic nervous system. As we start our journey with a specialist, I am also going to bring this up with my chiro. Why not? Can’t hurt! Count down to the specialist.. month and half. 

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